Documentation tagged with 'Monuments'


Documentation tagged with 'Monuments'

Documentation is designed to meet the needs of each client while maintaining the standards set forth by the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC). Efforts are made to minimize paperwork by customizing survey and treatment forms for specific collections, emphasizing ease of use and effectiveness. Conservation Treatment reports clearly explain each treatment phase performed by chronicling all methods and materials. An appendix listing conservation materials with product information and MSDS is attached to each Conservation Treatment Report. Photographic documentation can include archival black and white, color slides and/or digital images, tailored to the client’s needs. A full printed copy on archival paper and digital copy are submitted. A second copy is retained on file at ConservArt LLC for client reference as needed.

Prior to finalizing assessments and specifications, it is recommended to review historic documents. Articles, photographs, postcards, reports and plans can provide invaluable information for the replication of missing elements, selection of historic patinas, view of original foundations and construction methodologies, etc. Research can be done in local collections, libraries, historical societies, state archives and the Smithsonian Archives of American Art.

  • Test 1

    When it is required to receive proposals from several conservation firms, it is advised to use the information


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