Condition Assessments tagged with 'Sculptures'


Condition Assessments tagged with 'Sculptures'

The sculpture and monument assessment process is a vital component to a successful preservation campaign. It is during this phase that the specific needs of each object are identified and appropriate conservation solutions addressed. Theoretical choices of cosmetic versus structural repairs, stabilization versus restoration, material selection for the replacement of missing elements, etc, are addressed for each sculpture or monument and thoroughly discussed with the client. The resulting detailed reports serve as planning guidelines, bid specifications and for grant applications. Materials analysis and conservation testing can be done at this time, as needed. The resulting information provides specific information to solve complex conservation and restoration issues before conservation treatment.

The following Assessment services are provided by ConservArt LLC:
– Individual Object Assessment
– Collections Assessment
– Historic Cemetery Assessment
– Materials Analysis
– Identification of Existing Conditions
– Testing
– Treatment Recommendations
– Maintenance Plans
– Itemized Budgets
– Written & Photographic Documentation

  • Test 9

    When it is required to receive proposals from several conservation firms, it is advised to use the information


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