PLANNING > Documentation & Specifications


Documentation & Specifications

Each conservation phase requires documentation, maintaining the standards set forth by the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC). Efforts are made to minimize paperwork by customizing assessment forms for each object or collection, emphasizing ease of use and effectiveness. Following actual treatment, the client is given a conservation treatment report that clearly explains each treatment phase, chronicling all methods and materials used, including product information and material data safety sheets (MSDS). Photographic documentation includes unedited JPEG images, titled to describe the object, “before”, “during” or “after” treatment and a description of the condition or process shown.

When required to solicit proposals from several conservation firms, information generated from the condition assessment and treatment recommendations can be tailored to form detailed and concise bid specifications. These documents insure appropriate treatment procedures, material selection, quality control, and provide a standard for RFP submission and review.

Conserve ART Specifications and Documentation:

  • ŸDetailed Reports tailored to client and objects needs
  • ŸProduct and MSDS information
  • ŸUnedited JPEG digital images
  • ŸBid Specifications

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