OBJECTS > Relief Sculpture & Plaques


Relief Sculpture & Plaques

Relief sculpture is a unique sculptural form that utilizes minimal space for three-dimensional representation. Adorning buildings, monuments, cemeteries and parklands, relief sculptures artistically and historically enhance our lives. Informational plaques and honor rolls provide important reminders of our past by commemorating individuals, places, historic events and most poignantly, veterans that served and sacrificed for our country.

Artists created relief sculpture in a wide variety of materials including plaster, wood, stone and metal. The majority of informational plaques, particularly outdoors, are made of bronze and mounted on, or recessed in masonry. Treatment of relief sculpture and plaques requires particular patience and care, keeping the adjoining surfaces clean and well protected throughout the conservation process. The installation of new anchoring systems and replication of missing historic rosettes ensures the security of loose objects while maintaining historic beauty. Preservation not only promotes physical longevity but also affirms deserved respect the objects represent.

Conserve ART Relief Sculpture and Plaque Objects Services:


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