Services > Conservation Treatment > Stone > Durham Town Cemetery


Durham Town Cemetery

Historical Significance

The brownstone gravemarker of brothers Luther B. and Seymore L. White is a rare Civil War era gravemarker depicting a musical instrument.  A relief of a drum adorns the top front of the marker in honor of Luther B. White, who at seventeen was too young to serve as a soldier, and so served instead as a drummer in the Union Army’s 10th Regiment Band.

A brownstone obelisk marks the Civil War era burial place of Durham’s prominent Nettleton family.  The obelisk suffered from a dramatically shearing back face as a result of the Connecticut winter’s harsh freeze/thaw cycles.

Conservation Treatment

The White Marker

  • ŸMechanical removal of a waxy compound on the face crack from a previous, failed repair.
  • ŸStone cleaning.
  • ŸInjection of cracks with Jahn injection grout.
  • ŸPatching of stone losses with Jahn patching compound.
  • ŸResetting in a leveled bed lined with gravel for improved drainage.

The Nettleton Obelisk

  • ŸStabilization of the shearing face with a series of “bridges” of polymer adhesive and pulverized brownstone.
  • ŸWinterizing of the monument (pending full treatment in milder weather) with a custom-made Gore-Tex sheath and polyester lining to waterproof and provide physical support.
  • ŸStone cleaning.
  • ŸCrack injection using Jahn cementicious grout.
  • ŸFills using Jahn patching mortar and brownstone aggregate.

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